THE BREEDERS in black & white at Ponte Vedra

The Breeders were an endearing mess at Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Saturday night.

Early on Kim Deal went to grab the coaches whistle hanging from her mic stand for its iconic blast on The Breeders 90's hit Cannonball, and it swayed just out of reach.  No whistle, but a big smile from Kim and a huge roar from the crowd. 

And so it went. Drummer Jim Macpherson endured catcalls from female audience members. Kelley Deal smiled broadly and shouted to her sister to grab her attention.  Guest keyboard "Cliff" was cheerfully harassed by audience and band members. Kim untangled herself from guitar cords with some light comedy, while bassist Josephine Wiggs remained stoic.

I was a little worried that Josephine might not be enjoying the in-the-garage fun as much as the rest of us, but she finally cracked a smile during the encore.

The set-list leaned heavily on the Last Splash album that this, the "famous" Breeders line-up, released in 1993 with equal parts from The Pod debut and the quartet's latest All Nerve.  We even got a Pixies nod with Gigantic from Surfer Rosa (which turned 30 this year!)

Support Melkbelly threw up a killer wall of sound during their set.  I definitely want to check out these Chicago based noise rockers on their own.

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