Background with 70's-80's MODEL CARS are NEEDED for an Adult Swim Pilot called Tropical Cop for 5 days July 24th - 28th. Odd car colors are great, they need to be able to drive and not loud. Our hero police car is a Gremlin, to give you an idea.MUST BE WILLING TO WORK AS A LOCAL IN SAVANNAH, GA.
Rate $80/8 & $15 BumpEMAIL LINE: BG w/ CARS)
Please email a Picture of CAR and 3 Current Pictures of Yourself (No Hats, No Sunglasses, No Group Shots)
1. Shoulders Up
2. Waist Up
3. Full Body
In the BODY of the email please put in this order;
Email Address
Phone Number
City you live in
ALL CLOTHES SIZES including measurements and dress size (ladies) and coat, pants, and shirt measurements (men)