Glynn County, Georgia Sheriff Neil Jump took to Facebook to spread the warning of continued debit card scams. In the post he reminded residents that scammers will make contact by mail, phone, or even the internet then falsely advise victims that they are obligated to pay a fine, back taxes or outstanding account balance. The scammers claim to the victim they could be subject to arrest, disconnection of services or other penalty. Scams can be identified by the following
- Scammers request code numbers associated with pre-paid debit cards
- Scammers use Law Enforcement telephone numbers and identify themselves as a deputy or on officer to make the call seem legitimate. They may also use agencies such as the IRS and identify themselves as agents
-Scammers may have some personal information about the victim to include place of employment, telephone numbers and family member names
Please see the original Facebook post below, and please note if you have received one of these call, report it to local authorities.