Here's an easy way to have your home or business considered as a filming location in the state of Georgia. Just submit your property! However, submitted properties may not be accepted if they don't meet specific guidelines. You should provide a good photo overview of your property. Think of this process like you are trying to sell your home – the more visual information the clients have, the more informed a decision they can make. If submitting a home, business or other building, include interior and exterior shots. (If interior shooting is not allowed, please make note of this in the “usage restriction” field on the website) Concentrate on unique features of your property, lakes, ponds, a beautiful pool or garden....this is the time to let your unique space shine! Keep in mind, you must be the actual owner of the property and/or have the authority to lease it for production. If particular types of film/TV content or budget levels are not of interest, please make note of this in the “usage restriction” field on the website. Make sure your photos are clear, and do not include photos shot in inclement weather (snow, fog, rain, etc.) And of course, if your property is due to be sold or drastically remodeled in the very near future, please wait to submit photos until the property is in its “final” condition. Get a full list of the guidelines, and register your home here.
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