Why yes, I did name drop myself in the blog title. Don't judge me....I've got presents for you! Every weekday afternoon between November 26th and December 11th, 2018 listen to 102.5 WYNR between 5PM and 6PM for your chance to win. We have five stockings in the studio, one for Bobby Bones, Billy Greenwood, Beth Walters (name drop again!) Tige & Daniel and Cody Alan. Each stocking is stuffed with amazing prizes like gift cards for a 1 hour massage from Hands Down Muscle Restoration, grilling kits from Tommy D's Sauces, Shirts from Buccaneer Republic, Ned Cash Jeweler Gift Cards, Wild Adventure tickets, Christmas On The Coast DVDs, and trips to the Doubletree Resorts in Orlando to cheeck out their Holiday happenings, plus lots of other goodies! Winning is easy, just listen for the que to call, be caller 10, and pick a stocking! Good luck, and Merry Christmas!
Want to know more about Beth? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on 107.7 The Fox!Full Bio