Paired together in the fall of 1980, John Boy & Billy are now celebrating their fourth decade together, dominating mornings with their antics and love of good old-fashioned fun. Johnny “John Boy” Isley and Billy James were at the forefront of the modern wave of radio syndication when they launched the John Boy & Billy Radio Network in 1993, eventually adding more than 100-affiliates nationwide. Their guests include everyone from comedians to sports celebrities to television and motion picture stars. The program’s availability on the internet has made John Boy & Billy fans out of listeners as far away as Israel and Australia. The duo’s enthusiastic support of US military personnel regularly brings emails and fan letters from service men and women stationed throughout the world.
Thursday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we salute Sean Connery and Mr. Sulu for no apparent reason.. - Rev. Sincere has an awkward story that confuses his experiences with sex education and horseback riding - and Goober has a touching story about a boy with nothing but a head.. - Murray has stepped up his game on dodging our calls.. - The Grumpy Old Man tells why he hates social media.. - we fill a request for one of Robert D. Raiford’s Raves - and once again prove how ahead of his time he was.. - and finally, Oliver has a letter to his dogs…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Thursday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we salute Sean Connery and Mr. Sulu for no apparent reason.. - Rev. Sincere has an awkward story that confuses his experiences with sex education and horseback riding - and Goober has a touching story about a boy with nothing but a head.. - Murray has stepped up his game on dodging our calls.. - The Grumpy Old Man tells why he hates social media.. - we fill a request for one of Robert D. Raiford’s Raves - and once again prove how ahead of his time he was.. - and finally, Oliver has a letter to his dogs…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Wednesday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, the Crocodile Stalker swoops in to offer aid to Randy’s chipmunk problems.. - Mario has some pretty sound logic as to why he doesn’t hunt.. - Ike Turner responds to a letter involving naming a baby.. - Murray dodges another call from Jimbo - er.. John Boy.. - Tater covers the What to Watch report.. - Carl Childers gives us his interpretation of the Three Little Pigs.. - and we’ll wrap up with the trailer for “Lipless in Seattle”…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Tuesday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Cadbury goes to duck hunting with John Boy.. - Mary Jane zooms into the studio for some very deep thoughts.. - the Crocodile Stalker opens a childcare center.. - We celebrate a major work-anniversary for our very favorite coworker.. - Can players from military colleges be drafted into the NFL? - Uh-Oh - we better call Hanson to find out.. - and will wrap things up today, with Gary Busey…
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Tuesday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Cadbury goes to duck hunting with John Boy.. - Mary Jane zooms into the studio for some very deep thoughts.. - the Crocodile Stalker opens a childcare center.. - We celebrate a major work-anniversary for our very favorite coworker.. - Can players from military colleges be drafted into the NFL? - Uh-Oh - we better call Hanson to find out.. - and will wrap things up today, with Gary Busey…
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Monday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we wake up with Lisa Marie on out minds.. - We’ll prove that John Boy makes a terrible passenger.. - Upgrading to “Boyfriend 2.0” doesn’t live up to the hype for the ladies.. - Mad Max climbs all over the Border Fence.. - A listener writes in to straighten us out on why a blind Superhero would need eyes in his mask.. - Remember when Diana Ross got picked up for D.W.I. - it should have been on Cops.. - and to wrap things up for the day - we’ll remind ourselves why we stopped doing “Open Line” on the air…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Monday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we wake up with Lisa Marie on out minds.. - We’ll prove that John Boy makes a terrible passenger.. - Upgrading to “Boyfriend 2.0” doesn’t live up to the hype for the ladies.. - Mad Max climbs all over the Border Fence.. - A listener writes in to straighten us out on why a blind Superhero would need eyes in his mask.. - Remember when Diana Ross got picked up for D.W.I. - it should have been on Cops.. - and to wrap things up for the day - we’ll remind ourselves why we stopped doing “Open Line” on the air…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Friday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we’ve got Billy’s tribute sone the John Boy, “He’s So Fat”.. - Jock Cousteau had another adventure show that was ahead of its time.. - John Boy pulled a list of memorable colonoscopy quotes from out of his.. well you know.. - We’ve resurrected Ralph and Norton for today’s Playhouse, “A Hot Night with the Honeymooners”.. - Tater tries John Boy’s chocolate math trick - and neither of them get it right.. - and we noticed that somebody has hacked into John Boy’s bio page and added a few things…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
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Friday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we’ve got Billy’s tribute sone the John Boy, “He’s So Fat”.. - Jock Cousteau had another adventure show that was ahead of its time.. - John Boy pulled a list of memorable colonoscopy quotes from out of his.. well you know.. - We’ve resurrected Ralph and Norton for today’s Playhouse, “A Hot Night with the Honeymooners”.. - Tater tries John Boy’s chocolate math trick - and neither of them get it right.. - and we noticed that somebody has hacked into John Boy’s bio page and added a few things…
℗®© 2025 John Boy & Billy, Inc.
See for privacy information.